Lóczy Lajos Nature Trail, Tihany
Download track as GPX file for your GPS device.Teljes táv: | 11 km |
Össz. emelkedő: | 450 m |
Össz. lejtő: | -460 m |
Magasság max.: | 207 m |
Magasság min.: | 101 m |
The first educational or nature trail of Hungary was named after geologist Lajos Lóczy. It has 7 stations on 11 kilometers and leads through the protected area of the Balaton-felvidéki National Park and touches on the most important natural sight of the Tihany Peninsula.

Marked with a red cross, the path can be used only on foot. We can join or leave the trail at multiple points so it is not necessary to walk through the whole 11 kilometers, we can complete smaller parts as well.
We can start walking from the church ruins at Apáti where there is a sign of the national park showing the way. The tour follows the red cross trail mark and leads up to Apáti Hill and then Nyereg Hill. Our journey continues to Csúcs Hill which is a geyser mound formed in the aftermath of strong volcanic activity. The conical mouth carved by the erupting hot water is still visible at the highest point of the peninsula. To the west from here, there is a spring cave named after betyár Jóska Sobri who, according to legend, used is as a hiding place.

Golden House Geyser Cone Photo: funiQ -
One of the geyser cones of the Tihany peninsula Photo: funiQ -
One of the geyser cones of the Tihany peninsula Photo: funiQ -
One of the geyser cones Photo: funiQ -
One of the geyser cones Photo: funiQ
After Csúcs Hill, we reach the Szarkádi Forest at the southern end of the peninsula where, above the ferry, we can take a small detour to the church ruins at Újlak. Going forward we reach the Geyser Field which was formed three million years ago. There are nearly 50 geyser cones on the field which were created from the congealed calciferous sludge erupting from the hot water lakes. The largest cone is called the Golden Cone which got its name from the yellow color lichens on its surface. Visiting the cone at sunset is a great experience as the whole peek glows in gold.
Our journey continues along the bank of the Inner Lake, then leads to the Kiserdő Hilltop, and Óvár from where we can walk to the friar habitations.

The Outer Lake Photo: funiQ -
Lake Balaton and the Outer Lake from the Little Wood Photo: funiQ -
Typical hungarian draw well near the Inner Lake Photo: funiQ -
Hikers at the Inner Lake Photo: funiQ -
Lake Balaton from the nature trail Photo: funiQ -
Friar habitation - medieval homes of the monks Photo: funiQ -
The Ciprián Spring Photo: funiQ
Following the trail marks we will reach the end of the path, the port in 4-5 hours.

The peninsula has no drinking water spring so before embarking on the trip it is best to take some water with us.