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District 11, Újbuda

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The symbol of Újbuda, the view over St Imre Church from Lake Feneketlen Photo: funiQ

Újbuda, that is District 11 is the most populous district of Budapest and the most versatile at the same time. Outstanding tourist sights, such as Gellért Hill, Lake Feneketlen, the riverbank; popular destinations for excursions, such as Kamaraerdő and Sas Hill, interesting cultural centers and conjunctions, like Bartók Béla Street and Móricz Zsigmond Square, as well as famous universities and high schools are each in the same district.

Along the 11 recommended routes on the tourist and biking map of Újbuda (available free of charge) you can discover the most important attractions of the district. Detailed descriptions of the routes and around 100 sights, as well as downloadable tracks and an online map are available.

The augmented reality (AR) function of the application makes it even a greater fun. All you need to do is direct the camera of your smart device on the map. The application will detect signature points of the map and digital content will be displayed on your screen. It is just a click away to get access to further information on the specific sight.

Get the map and download the app.

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