"Vitorlázeum" Sailing Museum, Balatonfüred
On the ground floor of the building of the oldest sailing club of the Balaton is the Vitorlás (Sailor) Restaurant, but those interested in this sport should visit the "Vitorlázeum" Sailing Museum on the first floor.

The museum, opened in the spring of 2015, is open all year round and in the unique exhibition space we can learn about the history of sailing on Lake Balaton in an interactive way. One of the most exciting part of the exhibition is the Storm Simulator, in which we can sit and experience how a sunny and how a stormy day feels like on the lake.

Visitors can visit the rooms of the Vitorlázeum after a quick registration during which everyone receives a life jacket and a code. The code informs the museum's IT system about the visitors's mother tongue after which all the information is given in that language.

In the great hall, there is a 30 square meters large, glass covered, interactive map of Balaton, which has numbered squares, and by stepping on them, the visitor can start a video projecting to the wall.
The next room is about the beginnings of sailing on Balaton, the different types of ships and knots. Children can try a paper boat race with the help of hair dryers, and learn how to set sail. dock, or steer a ship on the terrace.
There is an entire room dedicated to the Kékszalag (Blue Ribbon) Around the Lake Race, and the names of every winning captain and their ship can be seen here starting from 1934. Fortunately, there is space for the names for many years to come.

Adventure terrace of the Vitorlázeum Photo: funiQ -
Movable ship model Photo: funiQ -
Paper boat race and knot tying at the Vitorlázeum Photo: funiQ -
Sail models; the one in the right is the same type with which Nándor Fa sailed around the globe Photo: funiQ -
Blue Ribbon Room Photo: funiQ -
Seat imitating the swaying motion of sailing Photo: funiQ -
A piece of the first Blue Ribbon Winner ship Photo: funiQ -
Statue of István Bujtor with the Vitorlázeum in the back. The actor, deceased in 2009, had many ties with Balatonfüred Photo: funiQ
The entrance to the museum is located on top of the stairs next to the restaurant but on the Balaton facing side of the building there is a disabled friendly step elevator as well.