ELTE Campus in Lágymányos
ELTE Campus in Lágymányos is located on the Buda side of Petőfi Bridge. It is made up by more buildings constructed between 1989 and 2003. The unique glass roofs and the two-storey gallery design make them extraordinary.

The largest campus of Budapest is in Lágymányos shared by the Technical University and ELTE (Eötvös Lóránd University). The campus site used to be occupied by Lágymányos Lake. While the southern part remained and is known as Lágymányos Bay, the southern part was filled up to construct Budapest University of Technology and Economics buildings.

The best-known buildings of ELTE Lágymányos Campus are the northern and southern blocks opposite each other. The Lágymányos Campus is home to ELTE Faculty of Natural and Social Sciences as well as the Faculty of Informatics aka Infopark. Occasionally, the campus serves as a venue for concerts and the faculties regularly join the "Night of the Researchers" scientific campaign.

The campus occupies an area of around 200,000 sqm containing the building of chemistry departments (northern block), the IT building, the sports hall and the southern block. A distinctive feature of the northern block is the Spherical Hall with a hemispherical glass roof.

In 2000, Compaq Hungary won a contract for implementing building automation in the southern block. The project included building service management, energy management, elevator management and an overall security system including surveillance and fire safety as well.

The building automation system has up to 60,000 data points and transmits reports and signals to a single screen allowing for simultaneous overall monitoring.
Recommended tours
Universities and parks on the two sides of the Danube The bike trip from the university campus to Kopaszi levee lets you discover the riverbanks crossing the Danube twice. Riding along the river you will a beautiful spa, a university building that dominates the riverside, significant cultural spots and probably the most popular park of the city.
Architectural attractions in New Buda This route helps to discover a selection of 20th century architectural attractions of the district, especially those that reopened with a new function after having lost their old one: bus station transformed into a restaurant and café, or a gearbox factory turned into a supermarket.